Welcome to Topic Selection System

  • This system is targeting students in the Software Engineering Department who are signed up for SWE 401 Software Engineering Design and/or SWE 402 Senior Design Project.

  • This system helps you create a selection list of desired topics to work on these courses. Then it facilitates assignment process by optimizing the matching process of a student a topic and an instructor in the department.

  • The instructors in the department have already entered some possible study topics based on their expertises. However, the students can propose new topics to a relevant instructor in the department using the email service on the system.

  • Proposed topics will be shown on the system after the instructor approves. A student who proposed a new topic can be assigned right away by the instructor.

  • Be aware that each study topic and the instructors have a limit (quota). Some topics are offered for group work, please see the details of the topics.

  • The following dates show the interval for students' input on FALL-2024:
    Start: 01-Sep-2024 00:00, Sunday
    End: 04-Oct-2024 23:59, Friday

  • Students can make up to 5 selections, and the topics can be ordered by priority. A smaller number shows higher priority in the list. You can add/remove topics or change the order of the selected topics throughout the week.

  • Most of your profile data is already entered to the system. However, you can enter extra information about yourself by updating allowed sections on "My Profile" page that will help us on assignments:
    - Goal: This input is about your career projections. Describe your future plans to justify of your selection.
    - Info: This input is about your intention on Tübitak 2209 projects. Please give us some information if you plan to apply or have any accepted project.

  • A committee in the department will assign the topics to the students based on their preferences, GPA. The information in your profile may also affect the assignments.

  • The resulting assignments will be announced on the system on 11-Oct-2024, Friday.

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