Topics (Work titles for students)
Title Field Instructor
Big data / Data analytics Big data and data analytics Deniz Balta
XAI-Based Malicious Network Traffic Detection System Big data and data analytics Ünal Çavuşoğlu
Development of web based video conference management system with BigBlueButton Web based information systems Ahmet Özmen
Artificial intelligence and machine learning based cyber security applications Cyber security Deniz Balta
Vision based real time vehicle detection and tracking using deep learning Vision computing Ahmet Özmen
Skin disease classification using deep learning methods Deep learning Gözde Yolcu Öztel
Software analytics with machine learning Big data and data analytics Beyza Eken
Automatic exam paper evaluation with NLP techniques NLP Beyza Eken
Deep Learning Using Hybrid Mobile App Mobile applications Veysel Harun Şahin
Development of cloud computing infrastructure Cloud computing Nur Banu Oğur
A scalable big data platform for streaming and batch data analysis Big data and data analytics Nur Banu Oğur
Ratinal disease classification using deep learning Deep learning Gözde Yolcu Öztel
Hybrid Mobile App and AI Integration Mobile applications Veysel Harun Şahin
Lip-reading using deep learning models Deep learning Gözde Yolcu Öztel
Pattern recognition on coffee cup using computer vision methods Image processing Gözde Yolcu Öztel
Home Automation Using Hybrid Mobile App Mobile applications Veysel Harun Şahin
Detecting psychological situation of people on social media NLP Beyza Eken
Development of online learning platform Web based information systems Ahmet Özmen
Early Diagnosis and Classification of Eye Diseases with Deep Learning Deep learning Ünal Çavuşoğlu
Prediction of anxiety/depression tendency of university students (18-25 age) Deep learning Gülüzar Çit
Online tournament management system Web based information systems Ahmet Özmen
Using Machine Learning Models to Identify Abnormal Behaviors in Network Traffic Parallel computing Ünal Çavuşoğlu
BlockChat: Blockchain Based Secure and Anonymous Messaging Platform Cryptology Ünal Çavuşoğlu
Evaluation of nursing students' skills with virtual reality application Virtual reality Gülüzar Çit

PS: Gray color topics are assigned.

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